How To Get Silky Smooth Healthy Skin

19424441_s-300x200-4872604It’s every person’s dream to have that smooth, silky soft skin. When the skin is not well taken care of, it ends up looking dry, pale, wrinkled and worn out. Most times, this kind of skin negligence ends up giving you an older mature appearance than your actual age. Here’s a few tips on how to fix this.

⇒ Start by drinking plenty of water

Believe it or not water is very important to the skin and body in general. Apart from flushing away any harmful toxins, water keeps you hydrated and moisturized. You need 6-8 cups of water daily.  It can be a bit annoying having to rush to the washroom every few 45 minutes but trust me, it’s definitely worth the effort.

⇒ Add enough vegetables and fruits to your diet

Veggies and fruits add a lot of nutrients and vitamins to the body. And what does this have to do with the skin you may ask? Here’s the thing, your eating habits tend to reflect on your skin. If you need healthy radiant looking skin, you need to maintain a healthy diet. This not only helps to revitalize and nourish your skin, but also strengthens your immune system which keeps you from easily contracting diseases.

⇒ Clean your skin

Wash your face twice per day. You do not want acne break outs or bacteria lingering on your skin. That does not meant constantly washing your face or hands. Soaping  used too many times every day can really damage your skin.

⇒ Avoid Harsh Hygienic body wash Products 

Some shower gels and soaps tend to be extremely harsh to the skin, and completely dry out your skin’s natural oils instead of just getting rid of the unwanted dirt on the surface. If you notice that the particular product your using leaves you to0 dry or white, you should consider trying different skin friendly products.

Its good to also use an apricot or coconut body scrub at least once a week, to do away with any dry dead and flaky skin, leaving behind a new layer of soft healthy skin.

⇒ After Shower Suggestions

After taking a shower, don’t roughly wipe the water off your skin with a towel. Instead  gently pat the water off, using the towel to avoid loosing the same natural oils.

Avoid using light lotions. Look for a thick high quality creme that will leave your skin feeling moisturized and radiant. Lighter lotions don’t make that much of a difference when applied to the skin. Especially after an hour or so when you realize, the feel of your skin is dry and rough.

Wait for a few minutes while gently rubbing the creme in, before putting your clothes on to allow it to settle, otherwise you’ll unknowingly wipe most of it off.

6681202_s-2-300x200-7692589⇒ Avoid excessive sunlight
The sun gives us vitamin D and is a preferred climate for summer season. But, if not enjoyed and appreciated in a safe way, it can really damage your skin. Excessive sun can cause cancer, aging (appearance of wrinkles e.t.c) and rough dry unhealthy looking skin. Too much sun kills the skin’s cells. If you’re looking to get a tan, make sure to apply a reliable moisturizing sunscreen brand, before going jogging or laying on sun beds at the beach. This is very important.

⇒Never sleep with make-up on

Ladies most of us love putting on make-up, but when we get home tired and lazy from a long day at work, nothing feels better than throwing yourself in bed or on the coach to relax. You end up falling asleep with all that make-up you had on during the day. This is a definite “No No”. You do not want all those chemicals settling and being absorbed into your skin. This totally wears your it off. Gently rub off the make-up using your face towel and make-up remover.

⇒ Stay active on daily exercises

Tone your skin by doing regular exercises.  It’s not only good for the skin but makes your body healthy and fit too. Sweating is good for you, gets rid of all the harmful toxins in your body.

⇒Minimize your daily alcohol, caffeine and tobacco intake.

This three are likely to cause ; wrinkles, dehydration, aging, pale skin.

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